This was my second National experience, the first coming in 2014 the last time it was in Cleveland. It was an amazing experience, and I came away with an absolutely loaded haul. I went in with high expectations. And honestly, this show fell a little short. Overall it was a great experience, and I came away with plenty of new cards. But on the whole the show fell a little flat for me.
My show plans ended up being pretty fluid. Originally Kate and I had planned to go out together Saturday and Sunday, her exploring Cleveland while I hit the show. But she recently took a (great) new job working the national news desk for Hearst Media (and getting out of newspapers, yaaaay!) that has a Tuesday-Saturday schedule. So there went that. Ultimately I decided to drive out Thursday and again on Saturday. Yeah, it was extra driving and gas, but I wanted to get a jump on Pirate cards before they were all picked over and had plans to meet up with a bunch of my Team Collector pals on Saturday.
There are a lot of positives. The show is literally a pop up museum inside a card show. There were numerous dealers with lit standing glass cases just like you'd see at a museum filled with jerseys of Hall of Famers and other high end memorabilia that probably sell for as much as my house.
The photo at the top of this post is my two day haul. Overall, I definitely found plenty of new cards for my collections. And in terms of overall scope, I was able to find something for all of my team and set collections, something I haven't been able to say about any prior show, even the 2014 National.
The boxes in the back are all from my Team Collector buddies. As I've mentioned before, I'm part of a group of team collectors that has been together for over a decade now. The concept is pretty straightforward: I send cards of the respective teams out to those collectors, and they ship Pirates to me. We also do group breaks every couple months at cost.
After so many years we're friends first and card collectors second. We typically have an annual in person meetup, since we're scattered across the country where we get together, hang out, and have a big box break. This year we decided to get together in Cleveland for the National.
We met up at the National Saturday afternoon for our break. I lost track of how many boxes we had, but it was easily over 20. It was great getting to spend some in person time with folks you usually only talk to online or via Google Hangouts. And even though the Bucs didn't do great in the break, we pulled some real beauties.
Getting to spend some time at the show with some friends, some of whom I've met in person numerous times and others who were newer to the group and meeting for the first time, was by far the highlight of the week for me. Plus I was about to clear out a couple thousand cards, bringing boxes for all eight of our group that was in attendance. I came home with fewer cards than I left the house with, so that along was a huge win. And cheap plug: if anyone is interested we currently have openings for the Braves, Dodgers, Giants, Mariners, Marlins, O's, Phillies, and Rays. If you're interested, drop me a line or you can reach us on twitter @team_collectors.
As for the show itself? I found myself a little disappointed. When I've hit major shows in the past, there have almost always been a couple dealers who had boxes upon boxes of low end auto/gu blowout boxes in the $1-2 range. The selection was always great, and I would find myself adding new Pirates and some other autos to my collection. This time? Maybe a stray box here or there. But most of the "junk" autos were priced in the $3-5 range. I realize they're on the low, low end of the spectrum. But you'd figure there are plenty of case breakers and resellers who are overrunning with less desired gu/autos from the last two decades. I did find a few gems. The Felipe Rivero/Vasquez auto was a steal at $1, and Glasnow was $2.
And my favorite pickup of the show was this Rice/Parker dual. I love the 2005 Ultimate Collection autos, and this card has long been among my most wanted. It was $3, presumably due to a crease in the card right near the "e" in Dave. But it's barely noticeable, and I was more than happy to add this for that price.
The low end product on the whole was lacking. Last time I hit the NSCC, I came across absolutely loaded quarter and fifty cent boxes. There were dealers with tables of nothing but blowout low end product, and the boxes were loaded with serial numbered cards from the last 15 years or so.
This year basically every $.25 box I came across had nearly identical inventory of unnumbered Bowman/Bowman Chrome inserts from the past 2-3 years. I needed basically any Pirates from those sets, since I rarely seek out Bowman cards. But after one table, I was set.
Finding cards that weren't vintage or older than 2015 or so was a legitimate struggle.
The low end product on the whole was lacking. Last time I hit the NSCC, I came across absolutely loaded quarter and fifty cent boxes. There were dealers with tables of nothing but blowout low end product, and the boxes were loaded with serial numbered cards from the last 15 years or so.
This year basically every $.25 box I came across had nearly identical inventory of unnumbered Bowman/Bowman Chrome inserts from the past 2-3 years. I needed basically any Pirates from those sets, since I rarely seek out Bowman cards. But after one table, I was set.
Finding cards that weren't vintage or older than 2015 or so was a legitimate struggle.
I was able to find a nice run of recent unnumbered refractors and some of those pesky Topps foil parallels from recent years. But on the whole I wasn't able to find nearly as much as I had hoped. Though I was able to find a dealer with a stack of 2000 Chrome Refractors for my set at dirt cheap prices, so that was fantastic. I can't recall ever finding a card from my set at a show until the National.
But there was a silver lining: I came home well under my budget for the show. I don't know if that has ever happened at any show, ever. COMC was running some sales to coincide with the National, and I spent some time Sunday morning doing some COMC shopping. I hate to say it, but COMC had the cards and prices that I expected to find at the National. Cool autos of uncool players for under $2, some gorgeous gold refractors for $2 or so, and filling in some parallels from the 2001 Donruss and 2000 Ultimate Victory sets I'm working on.
And that's the thing that keeps me collecting. Even if I'm losing interest in the current product, there are still literally tens of thousands of cards for me to keep chasing out there.
Did anyone else make it out to the National? How was your experience?
The other thing that jumped out at me was just how disinterested the dealers seemed. Even four years ago, I had some nice conversations with dealers during the show. I usually wear a rotating cast of jerseys, including Mariners, Marlins, a 1999 All-Star game jersey, and of course Pirates jerseys. So even a "are you looking for Mariners cards" comment can easily lead to conversation about how, no, I just have way too many jerseys. I mentioned in my Robert Morris recap how chatting with dealers led to some of my best finds at that show when they pulled out cards not on display.
But the National? I had to repeated scream "excuse me" to get dealers to look up from their phones so I could pay for my cards. Maybe one or two dealers engaged me in conversation, and of the few I tried to engage most made it pretty clear they weren't the talkative types.
Personally I can't imagine standing around at a show in near silence for the better part of a week. But at the very least, general sales techniques say to engage your customer. A simple "hi" or "anything specific you're looking for?" goes a long way with me. There was a general attitude of "just find what you want and give me money" that I found very off-putting.
But the National? I had to repeated scream "excuse me" to get dealers to look up from their phones so I could pay for my cards. Maybe one or two dealers engaged me in conversation, and of the few I tried to engage most made it pretty clear they weren't the talkative types.
Personally I can't imagine standing around at a show in near silence for the better part of a week. But at the very least, general sales techniques say to engage your customer. A simple "hi" or "anything specific you're looking for?" goes a long way with me. There was a general attitude of "just find what you want and give me money" that I found very off-putting.
I've mentioned it before, but there's just this sort of growing feeling that what the hobby is currently is no longer in line with who I am as a collector. I get it. Chrome is King. Dealers are far more interested in someone who is looking to drop $800 on their graded rookie auto than the guy digging $20 in cards out of their quarter box.
Everywhere I looked, tables were overflowing with Bowman. A product I have zero interest in. Nowhere did I see a Starling Marte or Jamison Taillon auto, even an overpriced one. At one table, I was buying $2 in quarter cards while a kid who couldn't have been more than 11 or 12 was trying to haggle with the dealer to sell some cards. He had a small box, quoting off chapter and verse the ebay prices on cards, all of which were $100, $200, or more. When I was 11 I was happy to hit a Cliff Floyd jersey card out of a box.
Speculation has always been a part of collecting. But it seems like that's the primary focus of the hobby now. Or at least the one that draws the show crowds. And that was sort of the lingering emotion of the weekend as I made the drive home on Saturday. While there are still products like Big League or Stadium Club that get me excited, I feel like an old highway after the national interstate system was built. Sure, cars still drive on the road. But all the traffic is going a different direction now.
Everywhere I looked, tables were overflowing with Bowman. A product I have zero interest in. Nowhere did I see a Starling Marte or Jamison Taillon auto, even an overpriced one. At one table, I was buying $2 in quarter cards while a kid who couldn't have been more than 11 or 12 was trying to haggle with the dealer to sell some cards. He had a small box, quoting off chapter and verse the ebay prices on cards, all of which were $100, $200, or more. When I was 11 I was happy to hit a Cliff Floyd jersey card out of a box.
Speculation has always been a part of collecting. But it seems like that's the primary focus of the hobby now. Or at least the one that draws the show crowds. And that was sort of the lingering emotion of the weekend as I made the drive home on Saturday. While there are still products like Big League or Stadium Club that get me excited, I feel like an old highway after the national interstate system was built. Sure, cars still drive on the road. But all the traffic is going a different direction now.
But there was a silver lining: I came home well under my budget for the show. I don't know if that has ever happened at any show, ever. COMC was running some sales to coincide with the National, and I spent some time Sunday morning doing some COMC shopping. I hate to say it, but COMC had the cards and prices that I expected to find at the National. Cool autos of uncool players for under $2, some gorgeous gold refractors for $2 or so, and filling in some parallels from the 2001 Donruss and 2000 Ultimate Victory sets I'm working on.
And that's the thing that keeps me collecting. Even if I'm losing interest in the current product, there are still literally tens of thousands of cards for me to keep chasing out there.
Did anyone else make it out to the National? How was your experience?