Monday, February 24, 2014

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Today was a long and frustrating day at work.  I won't bore you with the details, but I caught a pretty big goof that threw off our numbers projections for the entire year.  And in the non-profit world, big goofs mean losing big funding.  Luckily I caught the calculating error early enough that we should be able to adjust accordingly.  But I came home tired, cranky, and hungry.

Luckily there was a wonderful and unexpected package waiting from one of my blog buddies.  I'll save the contents for a post when I have a little more time an energy.  But having a fresh package of cards to crack open and see what the team bags had to offer was more than enough to turn an exhausting day into a fun time.

I just wanted to say thank you to all the great folks out there blogging and reading blogs.  I'm painfully slow in getting to the post office, terrible when it comes to breaking wax of new products, and never have quite as much time as I'd like to devote to quality, lengthy posts.  And yet my number of readers has gone up, not down.  And I have met some great, great folks in the collecting community along the way.  I like to think there are relatively few hobbies where a complete and total stranger can make your day with a piece of mail.

Oh, and in case you were wondering the card at right was hands down the most generous gift I've ever received from another collector.  I can only hope I've done my little part to pay it forward ever since.

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